Welcome to Chelston Ave Yeovil Somerset UK

The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2, and these pages are updated every 10 minutes.
The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

Forecast : Settled fine

Conditions at local time 09:40 on 27 July 2024
Temperature and humidity
Temperature 17.9 °C Humidity 78%
Apparent Temperature 19.2 °C Last hour variation +2.6 °C
Wet thermometer 15.5 °C Last 3 hours variation +2.5 °C
Average Temperature 12.4 °C Dew point 14.0 °C
Windchill 17.9 °C Chill hours 1230.5
Cloud base 485 m Is sun up?
Rainfall rate 0.0 mm/hr Rainfall Today 0.0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm Rainfall This Month 65.2 mm
Rainfall since midnight 0.0 mm Rainfall This Year 461.8 mm
Rainfall last 24h 0.4 mm Last rainfall ( ) 2024-07-26 19:04
Current wind speed 0.0 mph Wind direction SSW
Wind Speed (gust) 3.0 mph Wind bearing 192
Wind speed (avg) 0.0 mph Wind bearing (avg) 173° S
Wind bearing range from 160° (161° ) Wind bearing range to 240° (233° )
Beaufort scale F0 Calm -
Barometer 1015.24 mb Altimeter pressure 1015.09 mb
Pressure trend 0.35 mb/hr Rising
Sun and Moon
Sunrise 05:30 Sunset 21:03
Dawn 04:49 Dusk 21:44
Moonrise 23:40 Moonset 13:21
Day length 15:33 Length of daylight 16:55
Moon age length 21 days
Our location
Latitude N 50° 56' 57" Longitude W 02° 37' 36"
Altitude 68 m

Update : 27/07/2024 09:40:01
Powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1099)

Local Time


Somerset UK


Temperature : 17.9°C
Humidity : 78%
Wind speed : 0.0 mph
Direction : S

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Last read at 9:40


Forecast icon

Forecast image
(next 12 hours)

Moon phase

Forecast icon

Phase : Waning Gibbous
Visible at 59%